The South Bank Show, LWT (London Weekend Television), UK Season 8, Episode 194 (First Aired - Sunday June 9, 1985)
Director - David Hinton Producer - David Hinton Editor - Melvyn Bragg
«Part of The South Bank Show series, David Hinton directs this BBC documentary about British painter Francis Bacon, known for his horrifying portraits of humanity. The program consists of a series of conversations between Bacon and interviewer Melvyn Bragg, starting with commentary during a side-show presentation at the Tate Gallery in London. Later in the evening, Bacon is followed through various bars hanging out, drinking, and gambling. In another segment, Bacon provides a tour of his painting studio and a glimpse at his reference photographs of distorted humans. The artist discusses his theories, influences, and obsessions. This title won an International Emmy Award in 1985.» in Andrea LeVasseur, All Movie Guide.
No meio do ruído das coisas.
Duas despedidas tristes: a de Paulo Tunhas (1960), filósofo, cronista,
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Um abraço a todos.
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Chromatic Space in Lower Manhattan
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canvas, and...
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Art Fairs
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a cer...
O leitor sem qualidades
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contenidos de estos 9 años siguen abiertos aquí en muda a os de estos
primeros 9 añ...
Íntegra da conversa sobre o grupo da Casa 7
*Clique! Agora, meu blog é aqui 🙂*
Os artistas da Casa 7 em 1984
No sábado, dia 13 de junho, inaugura-se a exposição do grupo Casa 7 no
*Pivô*, centro ...
Déplier ce que fait-on lorsque l’on fait
« Pour un artiste, styliste ou designer, comprendre ce qui contrôle
techniquement ses actions ou définir ce qui s’exécute lors de la création
reste pour le...
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Commodius Vicus . . .
Welcome to *scarecrow pages*, a scrolling, continuous page of fiction,
poetry, reviews and odds and sods. All authors will be added as and when,
and in no ...
Mantemos o Ultraperiférico de portas abertas.
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Temporary Respite
Coming to you from my internet cafe. Only open from 4am-7am. I’ve been in
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he’s ...
Google Art Project
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museus ...
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